Knaus Tabbert resumes production…

Knaus Tabbert resumes production in Germany after shutdown- The corona virus affected and continues to affect almost all industries and companies – including recreational vehicle manufacturers. Knaus Tabbert GmbH resumed production in its Jandelsbrunn and Mottgers plants this Monday after a shutdown of several weeks.

Managing Director Gerd Adamietzki commented: “This is a pleasing step towards normality, which was only possible because important suppliers in the region were also able to resume production and we have taken preparatory measures to protect the health of our employees.

Knaus Tabbert observes and evaluates past and current developments very closely – in order to make the daily work routine as safe as possible for the employees, special safety and hygiene concepts were implemented. Among other things, body temperature is measured at the entrances and masks are compulsory on the entire company premises.

Additional protective measures, such as disinfection stations, are installed at all relevant stations. Break times were designed in shift models in such a way that as few colleagues as possible are in the canteen at the same time and the necessary safety distance can be maintained. Through flexible working time models and the splitting of some departments into office presence and home office, it was also ensured that the company was accessible to customers during the shutdown and still able to act. The health of the employees and visitors is the top priority in all decisions and the trade partners are also supported with a lot of assistance.

At the main location in Jandelsbrunn in Lower Bavaria alone, there are about 1500 employees, and in the Tabbert factory in Mottgers, about 400 employees. The majority of Czech employees are also able to return to their jobs as a result of the relaxation for business travellers.